National Environmental Laboratory
Accreditation Management System



Read the LAMS User Manual (click to download as PDF)

Watch the LAMS Practical Users Guide webcast. TNI Database Administrator Dan Hickman walks you through all that LAMS has to offer, and provides tips and tricks to get the most out of this valuable resource. Click here to watch the webcast - it takes just 25 minutes.

Please use the "contact" option at top-right to be directed to a form on which you can ask questions about database use, the data, or to offer suggestions for making the application more useful.




The left navigation bar offers links to a variety of database tables.


Select "Accreditation Bodies" to get a list of TNI recognized Accreditation Bodies. Selecting an AB from the result table will take you to the page of contact information.


"Analytes" - brings up the analyte table and allows searching for an analyte by entering any part of the analyte code, analyte name, CAS number, and/or analyte type. Multiple filters are allowed. Selecting "Save to Excel" will download the table in a Microsoft Excel .xlsx file. Note that the Excel file will also reflect the current filter settings, e.g., if you filter on SVOC-BNA analytes, then only SVOC-BNA analytes will be included in the Excel file.

"Methods" - brings up the method table and allows searching for a method by entering any part of the method code, method reference, method title, and/or revision. Multiple filters are allowed. Select a specific method from the result table to get more information about that specific method. Selecting "Save to Excel" will download the table in a Microsoft Excel .xlsx file. Note that the Excel file will also reflect the current filter settings, e.g., if you filter on Part 136 methods, then only Part 136 methods will be included in the Excel file.

"Matrices" - brings up the Matrix table listing matrix and code.

"Technologies" - brings up the Technology table including scientific disciplines.


Selecting the big blue "Search" button on the home page or selecting "search" from the menu bar takes you to a page that allows you to search for a lab using a variety of filters. LAMS only allows a single filter in the upper section of the search. You can enter any part of the lab name, TNI Lab Code, drop down the state in which the lab is located, or select whether accepts commercial samples. These filters work on the entire list of labs regardless of whether or not accreditations are listed. Dropping down and selecting a specific AB will limit the search to those labs holding a current FOA.

The lower section of the search allows you to further refine the search by entering any part of the matrix, method, method revision, and/or analyte.